This German Teenager Creates Amazingly Intricate Hairstyles And Here Are 20 Of The Coolest Ones

Milena, known as hairstylist.dream on Instagram, crafts hairstyles reminiscent of iconic Disney princesses. Despite being just 17 and hailing from Germany, she has garnered a global following with her hundreds of intricate hairdos beloved by thousands.

Milena’s journey into hairstyling began at the tender age of 6, though her early creations were rudimentary. Today, her work echoes the complexity of macramé, basket weaving, and even crocheted and knit patterns.

Bored Panda invites you to marvel at the stunning hairstyles fashioned by the talented hairstylist.dream. Additionally, we’ve had the opportunity to pose some intriguing questions to Milena—scroll down to uncover her insights!

Hairstyles Patterns for Teenager




“I delved into hairstyling around the age of 6, initially inspired by braiding, like making bracelets. As I grew older, around 10, I began exploring more intricate hairstyles,” shared the young hairstylist with Bored Panda.







When questioned about her foray into crafting intricate hairdos, Milena explained, “I found myself running short on ideas and sought to broaden my skills, leading me to experiment with blending various braiding techniques.”

“Many of my concepts emerge while I’m in the midst of braiding. As I weave, new inspirations flood my thoughts,” she elaborated.









We were intrigued to inquire about what Milena finds most appealing about crafting distinctive hairstyles. “I’m particularly drawn to the boundless possibilities it offers—it’s a wonderful avenue for expression and inspiration,” she shared. “Personally, I also find it incredibly relaxing; it allows me to release any intrusive thoughts and immerse myself fully in the art of hairstyling.”





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